Thursday, July 22, 2010

Missionary Report

Dear Family and Friends,
We hope you are all well -- we are just coming near the completion of the holiday and marching period in dear old Ireland. It has been an eventful time in Belfast and the mission.
1. BIG NEWS -- at the top of the news hour . A baby boy born to Stephen and Tonya and we will not see him until NOV 2011. They are both healthy mom and boy, his name is Benjamin Stephen -- that is # 13 for us and we are so very happy for Stephen and Tonya. Missions are fabulous --- but you do miss out on a few special things at home.
2. The Glorious 12th July -- The missionaries - Elders and Sisters - were in lock up of almost 2 days. There were a few riots but confined to certain areas in Belfast. We were allowed to travel, especially as we are considered locals and we chose to go along the coast with Elder McBrides family and had a great day. We were caught up in one of the parades in a small town and had a spendid view of the lambeg drummers. These are huge drums used in warfare years ago ( Irish warfare of course ) -- they beat them in 2,s or 3,s and they make a lot of noise especially when in a battle coming over the hill made the enemy think there were considerably more protestant troops than Catholic ones. We could tell you more, but we have missionary work to do also !!!
3. On the 11th night before the 12th -- that is where the troubles begin - that is why the missionaries are confined. There are huge bonfires built all over Northern Ireland -- some are 40ft tall and they place tricolors on top before lighting the bonfire. The tricolor is the republican flag representing fianianism -- look the word up, its all part of Irish history. I seen one fire with hugh boards surrounding the bonfire, all painted in green, white and gold, the' finian " flag. Yes, passions come to the fore at this time of year throughout the north and somtimes when driving you can see the results of unrest the night before. Sister Copithorne, no need to worry about your son, he is in a safe area and we see him regularly. Now why the bonfires ? They have been built for centuries -- they were started in about 1690 and they were on fire all over the north to herald the arrival of Prince William of Orange - a protestant loyalist who was brought in to fight King James - he had retreated from the throne of England and came to Ireland for refuge -- he was a Catholic and believe it or not it was the pope of Rome who with his Swiss Guard outed hime from the throne ( the prods ignore that part of history !! ) William defeated James at The Battle of The Boyne in 1690 and took the throne of England -- thereafter the Orange Order was formed and that is where the 12th July is a big celebration --- That is it in a nutshell and maybe they are all nuts !!!!
4. Missionary teaching experience -- a number to tell you but will share one only. We were teaching in a home and the lady's brother in law came in ---- he was Church of God ( a fundamental Pentecostal group very strong here ) They do not like our church and we thought -- well lets have some fun with it. You see we can get off with a little being locals you know !!!! In part of the discussion he told us his son was a pastor and in another one of their churches in Ballymoney ( well that just happened to be Elder McBrides hometown ) they had ordained a woman pastor. I asked him how he felt about that and he really disagreed. Now here is the fun part what he did not know is my father when I was a boy was church of God and not only did I know the original founders but I remembered much of their dogma. Now we do not have time to tell you the whole story but it was very interesting and it was a pleasant meeting , with an invitation to visit with him again. We do get a few opportunities like this when we are not working with the YSA. and the past 2 weeks many of them have been gone.
5. We are presently working in the centre with a number of ideas --- a talent showcase of all the very talented YSA we have. -- university work, street boarding with an invite to the centre, special fast meetings once per month in the centre, we are trying to get SP approval, etc, etc.
6. We are corganizing a temple trip in Oct to Preston England and we get to go also -- that will be great.
7. A Pday past we went to Ladt Dixon Rose Festival -- it is a very large park in Belfast with thousands of the most beautiful roses you have ever seen -- many simply grow wild here. The day we visited there was a harpist playing Irish music in the gazebo beside one of the huge rose beds --- we sat down and absorbed !!!!! We thought literally we had died and gone to heaven.
8. We speak in wards for the next 4 weeks or so and also some firesides. No one has thrown rotten eggs or rocks so far ----- tis the luck o the Orish !!!!
9. Part of our work on a regular basis involves mentoring the young Elders and Sisters as the mission Pres. is now in bonnie Scotland. It is fun being mom and dad to these wonderful young men and woman. We feel so privileged to serve with them. We took one whose birthday it was, and his companion on the open top buses -- that was even an experience for us seeing all the sectarian murals in the loyalist and nationalist ares of Belfast -- very fascinating stuff and they loved it. The birthday boy goes home soon and we got him a nice pictorial Irish book to take home. What treasured relationships are formed in the mission field.
10. Ask me next time to share with you --- where in Ireland, yes Ireland !!! -- where there is an original copy of The Book of Mormon -- interesting stuff !!!!
We love you all --- This is the work of the Lord, The gospel has indeed been restored. We do have a living Prophet who still receives revelation. What a privilege it is to be a missionary and wear the name tag, it gets lots of stares. We love studying the scripures together, it is one of the great parts of each day. Stay true to the faith always.
Elder and Sister McBride
219 Saintfield Road -- flat 6
Northern Ireland.

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