Monday, July 5, 2010

Missionary Report

Our dear family and friends,
We trust and pray that each of you are well and happy. We miss you all, but do not have much time to even think here. These young single adults keep us hopping. We are quickly gaining their hearts and they certainly have ours. It seems each have remarkable stories to tell and they are teachable, moldable and lovable. The young woman easily get attached to Sister McBride and let's face it --- who would'nt. Our days finish very late while at the centre, rarely do we get home before midnight -- it's ok for YSA as they seem to sleep in later in the morning, same as all over the world -- but the difference is we start early also. Nevertheless we are loving it and Heavenly Father blesses abundantly. Here are some of the things we have been involved in : -
( no particular order - just random happenings both for you and our journal.
It is presently the MARCHING season and signs of it are very evident especially in protestant areas. The big celebration is on the 12th July and already there have been a few ugly incidents with rioters and law enforcement. We were returning a few nights ago from an appointment and just happened to turn the corner into an bad area between the 2 parties - for a few minutes we ended up in the middle of rock and bottle throwing - so it was the matter of putting the foot to the floor and hoping for the best -- we had 2 elders in the car and they were enjoying themselves !!! We have not forgotten those years.
We have been given the task of flat ( apartment ) inspections as we travel Northern Ireland and try to make it fun, but get the task done also. For Bishop and Sis. Copithorne -- you will be happy to know that you good son passed. They did a very good job and we enjoyed talking with them. We usually give them a little treat when they have done particularly well. Elder Covey is in our area -- that is Seans son and Dr. Stephen Covey's grandson. When we joined the church here many years ago Stephen was the Irish Mission President -- it has been fun getting to know Elder Covey -- is'nt it a very small world in the church. I told Elder Covey I would give him a pass if he would get his dad and grandad to come over and speak with our YSA !!!!
We are beginning to realize the tremendous benefit and potential of our name tags --- they sure get attention and can open many a conversation. Also when we have some spare hours we are trying to visit some of the old stalwarts in the church here and it has been wonderful getting to know them again. One such dear sister had lost her husband not long ago. He had been the Bishop of the Cavehill Ward, the one we were members of when we lived here over 40 years ago. Someone said of her husband " a smile from Ronnie is like a hug from God " -- is'nt that beautiful and it was also lovely hearing their conversion story and leaving a message of hope. We visit different wards and branches each Sunday, speaking in church and holding firesides for YSA. -- we try to visit several less actives as we visit those units and involve the active YSA when doing so. That is the most effective way. A few days ago we visited one of our beautiful young woman who had recently lost her husband of just a few months, in Afganistan. Her grandfather who we knew very well thought our visit could only do her good. It was a difficult challenge but we trust the Holy Ghost carried our message deep into her heart. We are indeed having unique experiences every day and could share much more. but ----- missionary work is beckoning,
We had our historic mission conference on Saturday. The mission is now officially the Scotland/ Ireland Mission. Our new President and his wife are wonderful spiritual people and we had a tremendous day together. He tells us the Scotland mission has been a teaching mission supported very well by the members and the Irish mission has been a tracting mission getting most of the new members by street meetings in larger cities and at the door. It will be an interesting combination and many of our Elders and Sisters are going to Bonnie Scotland and theres are on their way here.
For any of you golf fans ---- just wanted to remind you that Graham McDowell from Portrush, Northern Ireland, won the US OPEN. Yes, he plays on the same course that Elder McBride used to sneak on early on a Saturday morning and get about 3 or 4 holes, before being chased off the course. Such were my wonderful boyhood days by the sea !!!!! When on the subject of sports -- THE WORLD CUP and ENGLAND LOSING -- yes it made the Irish fans happy !!! One of our young YSA football fans said it best --- " I support Northern Ireland and anyone who is playing England " Elder McBride cannot comment any further as he is a missionary !!
Our good friend in our Mission Presidency, Pres. Lowry has now been released with the change over in Presidencies. Raymond and us go a long way back with his conversion to the church being about the same time as ours. He is a wonderful individual and a great stalwart in Ireland. He and Irene were called by President Uctdorf to be the London Temple President and Matron and will leave Ireland in November for 3 years. Any of you going to London, please say hello to him.
Elder and Sister McBride are to have their pictures in the ENSIGN in the next few months. Brother Walton and his wife visited Ireland and held a special fireside. He is the great great grandson of the very first Irish convert and missionary to return here with Pres.Taylor. Someone in public affairs thought it would be a good idea to have our pictures taken with the Waltons for the ENSIGN as it would appear that we are the first senior missionary couple to return as missionaries to Ireland, after having been born here. It might be noted that we may also be the last as the 2 missions have now been consolidated. So my face did not break the camera and it would appear they got their pic !!!
We love our work. It is certainly very different than we imagined but indeed very rewarding as we recognize that we are working with tomorrow and that these young single adults are the future of the church here. What a responsibilty we have as we invite those to come unto Christ. During the mission conference held Saturday last we needed to attend a special fast with the YSA in the centre. We dashed from the conf. to the centre, had lunch with them as we started the fast and then back quickly to Holywood Road. We all fasted for a specific part of missionary work -- that of illuminating the souls of those who had drifted, with the light of the everlasting word. As Elder McBride shared some thoughts with them and read the great words of ALMA 5. it filled our souls with gratitude that we have the light of the everlasting Gospel, that we are on the pathway and that our Redeemer, Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price in giving his precious life that we might be saved. This mighty change can be in all of our hearts as we listen, love and apply. We are so very blessed that it happened in ours and this wonderful message of the restoration was given to us by wonderful dedicated missionaries. To a llwho read this please know that we love our Saviour, this church bears his name, he is risen and sits with the father directing the affairs of his kingdom though a prophet, Pres. Thomas S. Monson. We love it with all our hearts and feel so very priviliged.
May God bless each of you and hold you in the palm of his hand.
Elder and Sister McBride.
Scotland / Ireland Mission.

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