Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Missionary Report

To our lovely family and our dear, dear friends in the US may you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and may you all enjoy your great turkey dinners. We will be in Dublin's fair city to enjoy our Irish turkey dinner with all the senior couples. We are also doing something interesting. We will be visiting that famous old university, Trinity College Dublin to see the Book of Kells, this is the original document translated in the 9th century by Irish monks, of the 4 Gospels. We had seen it before and it is fascinating --- we have also arranged to see an original copy of the Book of Mormon, housed in the old library and brought out with prior arrangement.

We understand that it is -30 degrees in Alberta and snowing, also snowing in Utah. Thought we might let you know that here in the sunny Emerald Isle -- it is beautiful this morning -- early, Elder McBride went for his power walk along the river in his Tshirt -- we know it is unfair to tell you this but any of you who may be our age and that is plenty nine, you could consider putting away your snow shovels ( the Irish do not know what snow shovels are ) and come serve and have some fun. It can be such a marvellous experience and you will not have to worry about the flurries, warming your car up in the morning, block heaters and scraping the ice off the windshields.

Pday this week we went through downtown Belfast -- it is looking very Christmassy. Sister McBride loved the Continental market place set up on the city hall grounds -- foods from all over Europe and also crafts for Christmas, etc. Many of the streets in the city have colorful lights and the city hall is spectacular dressed in lights with a huge Christmas tree and waterfall lights glittering under the dome. One thing is very noticable that made us very happy --- they do not seem to have to cater to the " political correct " and Merry Christmas displays are everywhere instead of the " happy holiday " ones that are becoming all too familiar in North America. In many of the smaller towns and villages christmas trees are erected in the town squares. There are a very large number of events being held, such as concerts, early 1900 carol singing at museums, folk parks,etc and ceremonies in each location for the turning on of the lights. We are very impressed with the effort put into remembering that Christ is the most important part of Christmas.

We are trying to be very creative in our missionary labors in holding cottage meetings, teaching family home evenings, birthday cards, hand delivered to members, teaching member/missionary stategy, teaching members how to find using their spere of influence, etc. A number of these ideas have been successful for us and this past Sunday we had 5 less actives to church. The cottage meetings are working well -- we show a short video and then teach from the scriptures, engaging them with questions and encouraging discussion. This latter part we do not prepare for and simply rely on the spirit. Mini miracles occur each time we hold these -- last night one of the sisters asked a question regarding baptism and John the Baptist -- it was no coincidence that was precisely the scripture that I had turned to minutes earlier and her answer came right from God's word. We hold these in homes and have the members invite less actives and non member friends. We prefer small gatherings where it can be very personal. Each time we testify we know the angels are rejoicing -- we love our Saviour so very much.

It is getting late and we have a very busy schedule tomorrow. We will share some more experiences in the next email.

We are so very thankful for each of you. You are all great latter day saints and we admire, respect and love each of you. God loves each of us so very much that he gave his only begotten son --- just for you and me . I love the pleading song with the words " Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling -- calling for you and for me " I learned it as a boy. We testify each day of him, that he lives and his church has indeed been reestablished upon the earth. He is at the head and we worship him. We love Heavenly Fathers tender mercies. We do have a living prophet, just as in times of old and he receives revelation directly from above for each of us. Yes, we are extremely grateful.

Sunday we speak at a fireside in Coleraine, where Elder McBride went to school and there will be several members attending from the little town where he joined the church and there were only two members then -- my sister and I. There are now about 80 active members in Coleraine, so we look forward to that visit after 45 years. Just some of the joys of going back to your native land to preach the Gospel. Sister McBride has enjoyed some rich experiences also with people she remembered from years gone by.

Until next time, stay healthy, be happy and remember life can be a " perfect brightness of hope.
Elder and Sister McBride

Scotland / Ireland Mission

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